Tuesday, 26 July 2011


Sunday will hereafter be known as the day the sun came out. What a great time for a comics and cake party!

I think it's safe to say New Cross Turn Left was a roaring success. Thanks to our sponsor, Soaring Penguin Press, and to everyone who came.

In your honour, here's a massive photo post!

Photo by Kripa Joshi

Art by Megan Donnolley and John Miers, photo by Katriona Chapman

Performance by Nathaniel Metcalfe, photo by Katriona Chapman

Social Network Syndrome
Artwork by Walrus Zines, photo by Katriona Chapman

Cakes by Alesha De Freitas and friends in aid of Sam's Trust, photo by Katriona Chapman

Photo by Katriona Chapman

Photo by Katriona Chapman

Anonymous canines, photo by Susannah

Photo by Susannah

Actors from Legend Theatre Company, Photo by Susannah

Photo by Sergio Galaviz

Here's Forbidden Planet's wrapup, by Sean Azzopardi. We Are Words and Pictures were in cell 3, interviewing attendees of all descriptions - here's their post about the day. Can't wait to see their videos!

Thanks for coming, everyone!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, 23 July 2011

New Cross Turn Left is TOMORROW!!!!

Wow!  We can't believe it.  After two months of hard work, New Cross Turn Left is just around the corner!  
We have a staggering 28+ folks on board to sell comics and prints tomorrow- plus some surprise special guests, including our sponsor, Soaring Penguin Press!  And a few kitchens around London will be especially fragrant tonight as wonderful treats are prepared for our charity cake sale.  Plus we've got comedy, art shows, a band, a book opening - it boggles the mind! 

Even better, the five day forecast from the Met Office promises some long-sought after sun for the London area - perfect for basking in cake, comics and booze!

Give our video a gander if you're not familiar with the area, and don't forget how useful the Transport for London Journey Planner can be (use New Cross Station as your search destination, or our postcoade, SE14 6LG) - see you tomorrow! 

Thursday, 21 July 2011

New Cross and You

New Cross can look forbidding, but it really isn't.  Here's an updated version of a map of New Cross Ellen Lindner, one of our organisers,  did for an earlier event - you can download a printable black and white copy here. 

Some local sites to check out - we love Bearspace on Deptford High Street, a fab gallery.  We also love Big Red Pizza, on Deptford Church Street.  They're open until11PM on Sunday (a real rarity around here) and serve great pizzas in a converted double decker bus!

The Royal Albert's where we're planning on heading after the fun - it's open until midnight. 

We have a bar and a cake stall on the premises, and we may order some pizza in the evening, so if you're planning to go for the duration, no worries - we'll take care of you!

Just remember - go to New Cross Rail - and turn left exiting the station (here's some video evidence that it works).  Any questions?  Leave a comment, and we'll happily respond with whatever advice we can give. 

Wednesday, 20 July 2011

New Cross Turn Left: A Therapeutic Opportunity

 Here at New Cross Turn Left HQ we're been working hard to get together a fun roster of events and activities, to make your trip down South all the more enjoyable.  

We're also interested in using our unique location - Deptford's historic Old Police Station - to best advantage.  

The Old Police Station has four cells, dating from when the building was the local precinct house - this Sunday there will be a special, one-day exhibition in each.

By way of a preview, the following is a special announcement from Walrus Zines, our exhibitors in Cell 4.
Strengthening our ties with the University of Kominsance, we are pleased to support the important research of Dr Gustav Von Schneider and his team of specialists who'll be in the UK for the first time - offering FREE consultations investigating the phenomenon and danger that is SNS.

For support and advice about this crippling syndrome, please find us at New Cross Turn Left from 1pm - 6pm on Sunday 24th July. 

The University Founder 
See you there!

Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Comedy at New Cross Turn Left

We, the New Cross Turn Left organisers, want you to be happy and amused all day at our festival.  To whit, we've found some fine entertainers -including these two gents who'll be performing in the courtyard(weather permitting) at 7:30PM.

First up, straight outta Lewisham....it's Saban Kazim!!!

You may know Shabs' work from comic turns in The Comix Reader - but when he's not drawing, Shabs is a hard-working standup comedian, gigging constantly around London. Shabs will soon be taking his act to Edinburgh - but see it at New Cross Turn Left, first!

Next up - Nat Metcalfe! 
In addition to his own Tombola of Fun night, Nat performs regularly with Josie Long at the Treasures of the Black Heart in Camden, and will also be taking his show on the road to Edinburgh.  
Exciting stuff!  We can't wait to see what new material these guys have got ready to bring to the comedy capital of the world.

One thing: all events at New Cross Turn Left are free, but we ask that you donate a few pounds to our performers if you enjoy what they're doing.  

More to come: next up, a rundown on the exhibitions that will be on display.  

See you very soon!

Friday, 15 July 2011

Welcome Knitters!

Greetings to all those who are visiting this blog from Stitch London!

We are so happy to be welcoming Lauren O'Farrell, founder of Stitch London, studio-holder at the Old Police Station and author of Stitch London  to New Cross Turn Left.

The New Cross Turn Left festivities will begin at 1PM - take a look at our sidebar for a list of all the activities - there's also a comics fair and a cake stall open all day.

At 4PM, 24th July, in the courtyard (weather allowing) of the Old Police Station (SE14 6LG), Lauren will be giving her first ever knitted graffiti workshop.  If you think craft and art can potentially be the same thing, than you have to find your way to the Old Police Station two Sundays from now.  It will be epic!  If weather's a bit crap come to the café for some cake by Alesha and we'll announce the new location of Lauren's workshop. 

Lauren's terrifying pet squid, 
Plarchie, claims his first victim.
Photo copyright Deadly Knitshade.  

See you there!

Thursday, 14 July 2011

We have a sponsor! John Anderson of Soaring Penguin

Many many thanks to John Anderson who's come on board New Cross Turn Left as our event sponsor!

Soaring Penguin, John's publishing company, is to the best of our knowledge the only comics publisher based in South London.  They also publish fantastic poetry, and if all goes well there'll be a fun opportunity to contribute drawings to one of John's books for a lucky New Cross Turn Left participant. 

Look out for John's reissue of Ellen Lindner's Undertow later this year, and plenty of great releases in the meantime.  And many, many thanks to John for taking part!

If you'd like to sponsor New Cross Turn Left, rates are very reasonable, and we'll be very grateful!  

Only ten days left - see you there!